Why read: Watching Christmas movies around the holidays is the best way to get into a festive mood. Here is the list of my favorite ones to watch alone or with family.
We don’t normally watch TV in our family. The last time my husband and I watched something together was probably the last season of Game of Thrones. So looking forward to the final season, by the way, aren’t you?
But Christmas is different.
That’s the time when we all get free time from work and school and just love to snuggle on the couch under fluffy blankets in our cute matching Christmas pjs. There are so many old good Christmas movies to watch around the holidays! I’m sure you’ve seen many of them. The best thing is that they never get old and always create a festive holiday feel.
All the movies from this list help to believe in magic. And magic does happen around Christmas! So get that cup of hot chocolate, add logs to the fireplace and enjoy some quality movie time!

Best Romantic Christmas Movies
- Love Actually – I have to confess. When I first watched “Love, Actually” – which has now become a beloved holiday classic by many – I wasn’t impressed. After rewatching it a couple of times though, I realized how well this movie portrays the complexity of our relationships without wrapping and putting a ribbon on anything. And relationships are complex. We see couples divorce left and right. There is always someone who falls madly in love with a person who is already in a happy relationship. And the sneaky husbands who cheat on their wives while pretending to be happy are the worst. But amongst all that, we all strive for love. And there is always a ray of hope at the end of the darkest tunnel.
- Serendipity – Sweet and heartwarming movie for those who believe in random non-randomness, destiny and, of course, love. John Cusack and gorgeous Kate Beckinsale make this movie incredibly beautiful and romantic.
- The Family Man – When we’re too much caught up in work and pursuing a career, sometimes we need a reminder that family is what’s the most important in life. I always cry at the end scene when Jack tries to convince Kate to stay. “The house is a mess but it’s ours” phrase gets me every time.
- The Holiday – The days leading to New Year is when we all tend to look back and reflect on the past year. If the things aren’t exactly in the place we want them to be we become determined to make changes. That’s when swapping a house and traveling across the ocean for the holidays might seem not such a reckless undertaking after all… and might bring the long-awaited romance to your life.
- When You Were Sleeping – An old romantic comedy with Sandra Bullock about how to distinguish real love from a fairy tale. Is it really love when the person on the receiving end doesn’t know anything about it? You can find out by watching this light comedy.
- Bridget Jones’s Diary – An all-time favorite of mine. Don’t we all see ourselves in Bridget Jones? How many times it happened to you that you decided to take your life under control – lose weight, quit smoking, find love, or whatever it might be for you – and then fell off track. One of the funniest romances ever! And Colin Firth is so classy and dreamy.
- The Family Stone – I love movies about family gatherings, especially when Diane Keaton plays one of the main characters. Comedy is intertwined with sadness here. And although things don’t go quite well for the uptight girlfriend of the family’s oldest son who brings her home to meet with his parents and siblings – the movie is full of humor and has a star-packed cast.
- Stepmom – Although you might argue that Stepmom is not necessarily a Christmas movie, as there is just a small Christmas scene at the end, it always gives me winter feels. Whenever there’re kids involved any relationship becomes more complicated than it has to be. And in this case, it is difficult to decide who to sympathize with more. A heartbreaking yet very heartwarming movie!
- Borrowed Hearts – Unfairly forgotten Christmas fairy tale that can be put in line with the “Cinderella” type of movies. I myself watched this movie long ago, but I have the sweetest memories of it. Some might insist that it’s too naive but if you’re a romantic at heart this movie won’t leave you indifferent.
- Noel – Has it ever happened to you that you had nowhere and no one to celebrate Christmas with? I hope – not! But everyone feels lonely and sad sometimes. And that’s when this movie comes to warm your heart. Even if you shed a tear or two, you’ll then wipe those off and smile. Nothing is sugar-coated in this movie. Very realistic and bright!
- Surviving Christmas – Unlike other Christmas films this one has an original and fresh plot and the ending is kind in a Christmasy way. Although there’s nothing particularly great about this movie it does leave you with a big amount of positive emotions.
- Sleepless in Seattle – Ah, how I love Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks duet. Aren’t they magical together? The movie is so pure and beautiful, gentle and interesting, fascinating and romantic. The best Christmas gift for those who believe in love, miracles, kindness, and destiny.
Best Christmas Movies to Watch with Kids
Home Alone 1 & 2 – I know, I know, you might be sick and tired of watching Home Alone. But let’s agree – what a Christmas without Macaulay Culkin’s witty hero? It never gets old, especially when you have kids.
Miracle on 34th Street – This is a very bright, kind, fabulously beautiful, magical and very educational movie to watch with kids. It teaches us to believe in miracles, without the need to have physical evidence of them. How often we think about the bad, and how often it happens to us! Maybe these two facts are interdependent? After all, it is very important to believe not what you see but to see what you believe.
How the Grinch Stole Christmas – Don’t judge but I haven’t seen this movie. Well, my son is just 3 and I’m not particularly into fantasy genre to watch it alone. But both the book by Dr. Seuss and the movie are too popular so I had to include it on my list. If you’ve watched it, please let fellow moms know in the comments if you consider this one one of the top Christmas movies on your list 😉.
A Christmas Carol – I watched this movie during my study time in London in an IMAX movie theatre during its premiere in 2009, so I have special feelings toward it. Loads of special effects and animation in its finest add zest to Dickens’ classic.
The Polar Express – After “A Christmas Carol” this is another animated movie by director Zemeckis. It’s a must-see for kids and those adults who miss childhood and believe in fairy tales.
Curly Sue – An unforgettable family Christmas movie. So touching, aching, not aging, somewhat sad, somewhat funny film about real friendship, care and simple happiness that everyone needs. About family! Movies like Curly Sue teach a lot and stay with you for a long time.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – Tim Burton is truly one of the best directors of all times. Very rarely in a movie, based on a book, the creators manage to convey all the emotions, all the details, and subtleties of the plot! And what a cast! Johnny Depp is beyond praise. The movie is not for younger kids though. It comes with deep humor and some cruel scenes.
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation – If you like old movies, this old Christmas classic is perfect to watch with kids (you probably know and love it, so this is just a reminder). The best and funniest comedy of Chevy Chase that can be endlessly praised.
Recent Christmas Movies (Bonus)
The Christmas Chronicles – A new release this year. I haven’t watched the movie yet but looking at the reviews Kurt Russell is being praised as one of the movies’ best Santas yet. Aren’t you intrigued? You can watch the movie on Netflix.
A Bad Moms Christmas – Sometimes I just long for meaningless and light comedies. If it’s about mom life – even better. I forget what I’ve just watched almost instantly but it does give me a light fun mood. That’s what this movie is all about. And the cast is hilarious. So to watch or not to watch – you decide!
Office Christmas Party – Another light Christmas comedy that my friend and I watched in movies. If you ask me what it was about I won’t be able to tell you but I remember it was funny. Will I watch it again? Probably, not. But again, if you like to watch funny, light and stupid comedies every now and then, you can give this one a shot.
One Last Thing
There you have it – my list of some of the best Christmas movies to watch around the holidays. Of course, this list is not exhaustive and you might absolutely love or hate some or all of the movies on this list, but these are the ones I love and can rewatch every year.
What About You?
I’m so curious to hear about your favorite Christmas movies. Have I missed any that are on your must-see list? Please share with us in the comments below.
Happy watching! And Merry Christmas!
Tamara Tsaturyan is the owner and writer of Thriving In Parenting, a website focused on providing simple tips for busy parents — easy and healthy recipes, home decor and organization ideas and all things P A R E N T I N G.
Comments & Reviews
clare says
family man is very sweet! bad mom christmas made me cry at the end when mila kunis said i know why you’re like this mom. that waxing scene was as classic as the 40 year old virgin movie! chrsitmas chronicles was good and it had a surprise cameo at the end that goldie hawn fans will like (sorry spoiler).
Yevgeniya says
Thanks for suggestion we will follow :* be sure
Tamara says
My pleasure, Yevgeniya! Let me know which one you end up watching and what you think. Happy holidays! ❤️
Emily Lloyd says
Curly Sue,hands down, is my all time favorite!! I have watched it almost every Christmas with my family. Thanks for shating your list. Happy Holidays to you and your family.
Emily Lloyd ❤️
Tamara says
Yes, I love it too! Movies like Curly Sue teach kids very important values. Thank you so much, Emily. Very sweet of you! And happy holidays to you and your family too. My best wishes! ❤️